CairoPlot is an API written in Python and uses PyCairo to plot 8 kinds of graphics: horizontal and vertical bars, scatter, dots and lines and functions plots. Pie and donut plots and Gantt Charts.
It was born on an attempt to plot graphics in a more beautiful way, making it possible to use them on presentations, websites and papers.
The project is now 2 years old and many have helped through e-mails, bugs and code. Special thanks to João S. O. Bueno, Magnun Leno, Mike Rooney, Chris Ward, Karel Kolman, Victor Westman and Tim Swast.
To see what CairoPlot is capable of, visit the Gallery but if you want to see what's new on version 1.2, check the what's new session. Also, you can use the menu on the left to navigate through all the tutorials available on the site.
Installation tutorials cover the files needed to install and use CairoPlot on each of the three Operational Systems available today.
Explanations on how to input data to CairoPlot.
Basic use tutorials explain how to input data to create each one of the graphics available on CairoPlot.
To install CairoPlot on Ubuntu the following packages must be downloaded:
sudo apt-get install python2.5
sudo apt-get install libcairo
sudo apt-get install pycairo
After that, CairoPlot package must be downloaded and installed
Coming soon
Data objects are used to hold any primitive data along with its name.
integers, floats or long values.
represented as 2 (x,y) or 3 (x,y,z) items tuples;
if a user inputs a list, it's automaticaly converted to a tuple.
d = Data(name='empty') print d #prints empty: ()
d = Data((1,1),'point a') print d #prints point a: (1, 1)
d = Data((1,2,3),'point b') print d #prints point b: (1, 2, 3)
d = Data([2,3],'point c') print d #point c: (2, 3)
d = Data(12, 'simple value') print d #prints simple value: 12
Groups are used to hold data objects, defining indepedent series of values.
Users might fill a group object in a variety of ways:
Saved as a new data object.
Each number is converted to a data object and added to a new list, which will be held on the group.
Sometimes, it's easier to just input all coordinates as series not as points. The group object zips them and saves them as points.
Both saved directly on the group.
g = Group(13, 'simple number') print g #prints simple number ['13']
g = Group((1,2), 'simple point') print g #prints simple point ['(1, 2)']
g = Group([1,2,3,4], 'list of numbers' print g #prints list of numbers ['1', '2', '3', '4']
g = Group((1,2,3,4),'tuple of numbers') print g #prints tuple of numbers ['1', '2', '3', '4']
g = Group([(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)], 'list of points') print g #prints list of points ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)', '(3, 4)']
g = Group([[1,2,3],[1,2,3]], '2D coordinate lists') print g #prints 2D coordinated lists ['(1, 1)', '(2, 2)', '(3, 3)']
g = Group([[1,2],[1,2],[1,2]], '3D coordinate lists') print g #prints 3D coordinated lists ['(1, 1, 1)', '(2, 2, 2)']
Used to model groups of groups, so it's possible to define and plot more than one series on the same graphic.
Users might fill a series object in a variety of ways:
Saved as a new group containing a new data object.
Each is converted into a new group.
Converted into new groups.
Both converted into new groups.
Each of the elements will be converted into groups and, if the keys are strings, they'll be used as group names.
Converted into a new series object.
print Series([1,2,3,4]) #prints ["Group 1 ['1', '2', '3', '4']"]
print Series([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]) #prints ["Group 1 ['1', '2', '3']", "Group 2 ['4', '5', '6']"]
print Series((1,2)) #prints ["Group 1 ['(1, 2)']"]
print Series([(1,2),(2,3)]) #prints ["Group 1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']"]
print Series([[(1,2),(2,3)],[(4,5),(5,6)]]) #prints ["Group 1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']", "Group 2 ['(4, 5)', '(5, 6)']"]
print Series([[[1,2,3],[1,2,3],[1,2,3]]]) #prints ["Group 1 ['(1, 1, 1)', '(2, 2, 2)', '(3, 3, 3)']"]
print Series({'g1':[1,2,3], 'g2':[4,5,6]}) #prints ["g1 ['1', '2', '3']", "g2 ['4', '5', '6']"]
print Series({'g1':[(1,2),(2,3)], 'g2':[(4,5),(5,6)]}) #prints ["g1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']", "g2 ['(4, 5)', '(5, 6)']"]
print Series({'g1':[[1,2],[1,2]], 'g2':[[4,5],[4,5]]}) #prints ["g1 ['(1, 1)', '(2, 2)']", "g2 ['(4, 4)', '(5, 5)']"]
print Series(Data(1,'d1')) #prints ["Group 1 ['d1: 1']"]
print Series(Group([(1,2),(2,3)],'g1')) #prints ["g1 ['(1, 2)', '(2, 3)']"]
All graphics in CairoPlot might be generated using one of two ways: defining an object or calling a function.
#Defining a new object data = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] test = cairoplot.HorizontalBarPlot("object_way.svg", data, 640, 480) test.render() test.commit() #Calling a function data = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] test = cairoplot.horizontal_bar_plot("function_way.svg", data, 640, 480)
The arguments of the functions are, exactly, the same as the ones from the classes' __init__ methods, and that's why only the former will be detailed on the next sections. But, as all classes inherit data from the Plot class, many of these arguments would be repeated if explained on each class, that's why they are detailed below.
Default value: None
A filename or a Cairo surface. For filenames, CairoPlot supports svg, png, pdf and ps extensions.
Examples: "test.svg", "test.png", "test.pdf", ""
Default value: None
A series, group or data object is expected. But, as of version 1.2, some classes also accept lists/dictionaries of numbers and lists/dictionaries of lists of numbers.
Examples will be given on each section.
Default value: 640
Output file width.
Default value: 480
Output file height.
Default value: "white light_gray"
Tuple (green,blue,blue,alpha) or color name (available names are explained on the color section);
Linear gradient defined by a string containing two or more color names separated by spaces (see default value);
Cairo Linear/Radial Gradient object.
Examples: (1,0,0), (0,1,0), "green", "white", "green blue gray", "black white"
Default value: 0
Size in pixels of the space between the border of the image and the plotting area.
Default value: False
Whether or not a grid should be displayed.
Default value: None
A list containing labels for the x axis.
Example: ["x_label_one", "x_label_two", "x_label_three"]
Default value: None
A list containing labels for the y axis.
Example: ["y_label_one", "y_label_two", "y_label_three"]
Default value: None
A 2-tuple containing the lowest and highest bounds for the x axis.
Default value: None
A 2-tuple containing the lowest and highest bounds for the y axis.
Horizontal Bar Plots might be created using the HorizontalBarPlot class or the function horizontal_bar_plot. The function takes the same parameters as the class's __init__ method, described below.
Default value: None
A series, group or data object is expected. But, as of version 1.2, lists/dictionaries of numbers and lists/dictionaries of lists of numbers are also accepted.
Default value: False
Whether or not the values of each bar should be displayed on their right.
Default value: False
Whether or not the bars' corners should be rounded.
Default value: False
Whether groups should be drawn as separated or stacked bars.
Default value: False
Whether bars should be drawn in pseudo-3D style.
Default value: None
A list containing labels for each bar of a group.
Default value: None
A list of color values for each bar in a group.
data = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] test = cairoplot.horizontal_bar_plot("function_way.svg", data, 640, 480)
data = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] test = cairoplot.horizontal_bar_plot("function_way.svg", data, 640, 480)
Vertical Bar Plots might be created using the VerticalBarPlot class or the function vertical_bar_plot. The function takes the same parameters as the class's __init__ method, described below.
Default value: None
A series, group or data object is expected. But, as of version 1.2, lists/dictionaries of numbers and lists/dictionaries of lists of numbers are also accepted.
Default value: False
Whether or not the values of each bar should be displayed on their right.
Default value: False
Whether or not the bars' corners should be rounded.
Default value: False
Whether groups should be drawn as separated or stacked bars.
Default value: False
Whether bars should be drawn in pseudo-3D style.
Default value: None
A list containing labels for each bar of a group.
Default value: None
A list of color values for each bar in a group.
data = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] test = cairoplot.horizontal_bar_plot("function_way.svg", data, 640, 480)
data = [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] test = cairoplot.horizontal_bar_plot("function_way.svg", data, 640, 480)
Donut graphics are useful to show the participation of different objects on the whole. As the other graphics, it's possible to create it by instantianting a DonutPlot object or by calling the donut_plot function. Below are the arguments for the __init__ method of the class, which are the same as the function's.
Default value: None
A data, group or series object. As of version 1.2, a dictionary mapping strings to numbers is also accepted.
Default value: False
Whether to use solid or gradient colors.
Scheduled to be removed on version 2.0 due to the acceptance of gradient information on the colors list.
Default value: False
Whether or not a shadow will be drawn.
Default value: None
A list of color values as explained on Colors section.
Default value: a third of the main radius
The the hole radius.
Default value: None
A data, group or series object. As of version 1.2, a list of numbers, or a list/dictionary of lists of numbers is also accepted.
Default value: False
Whether the x and y axis should be drawn.
Default value: False
A list of booleans defining whether or not the respective group lines should be dashed.
Default value: False
Whether or not circles must be drawn on every point provided.
Default value: False
True displays an white box on the upper right corner containing a color legend.
Default value: None
A title for the x axis.
Default value: None
A title for the y axis.
Default value: False
A list of color values as explained on the Colors section containing one color for each group on the data.
Default value: None
A data, group or series object. As of version 1.2, a function or a list/dictionary of functions is also accepted.
Default value: False
Whether the x and y axis should be drawn.
Default value: False
Whether the points should be connected or not.
Default value: False
Whether or not circles must be drawn on every point provided.
Default value: False
True displays an white box on the upper right corner containing a color legend.
Default value: None
A title for the x axis.
Default value: None
A title for the y axis.
Default value: False
A list of color values as explained on the Colors section containing one color for each group on the data.
Default value: 1
The increment value used to generate values from the lower x_bound to the upper x_bound.
Scheduled to be removed on version 2.0 due to the Series module.
Default value: None
A data, group or series object. As of version 1.2, a list of 2D/3D points, a list/dictionary of 2D/3D points or a list of 2D/3D coordinates also accepted.
Default value: None
One or two list (if errors are simetric or not) containing error values to be drawn as horizontal error bars on each point.
Default value: None
One or two list (if errors are simetric or not) containing error values to be drawn as vertical error bars on each point.
Default value: False
Whether the x and y axis should be drawn.
Default value: False
A list of booleans defining whether or not the respective group lines should be dashed.
Default value: False
Whether the points should be connected or not.
Default value: False
Whether or not circles must be drawn on every point provided.
Default value: False
True displays an white box on the upper right corner containing a color legend.
Default value: None
For Scatter Plots, the z coordinate is drawn as the radius and color (see circle_colors) of each point. The z_bounds parameter defines the lower and higher values for the points' radius.
Default value: None
A title for the x axis.
Default value: None
A title for the y axis.
Default value: False
A list of color values as explained on the Colors section containing one color for each group on the data.
Default value: None
A tuple of two colors, defining the colors associated to the z_bounds.
Default value: None
A data, group or series object. As of version 1.2, a list of tuples containing starting and ending values for the bars is also accepted.
Default value: None
A list of color values as explained on the Colors section containing one color for each group on the data.
Pie graphics are useful to show the participation of different objects on the whole. CairoPlot provides two ways of creating one: instantianting a PiePlot object or calling the pie_plot function. The arguments for the class' __init__ method are the same as the function's and are detailed below.
Default value: None
A data, group or series object. As of version 1.2, a dictionary mapping strings to numbers is also accepted.
Default value: False
Whether to use solid or gradient colors.
Scheduled to be removed on version 2.0 due to the acceptance of gradient information on the colors list.
Default value: False
Whether or not a shadow will be drawn.
Default value: None
A list of color values as explained on Colors section.
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon